Irvine, CA // Sunday Service Time: 9:30 AM

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A Word from Pastor Jon

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When Melanie and I decided to move from Ohio to California almost 3 years ago, it was with mixed emotions. Leaving friends, family and a church community was difficult. However, we knew God was opening doors and believed we needed to be obedient.

As we transitioned to life in California, finding a new church family was new and difficult. Going from a place that we were deeply rooted into places that we did not know anyone was truly a humbling experience. The Sunday Melanie and I walked into The Village we were greeted by the Colemans, Kevin Krusiewicz, and Pastor Matt. It was the first church that welcomed and pursued us. We sensed that God was at work at The Village and have been here ever since we walked through those doors that Sunday morning.

As I became more involved at The Village I grew to love this church. It is amazing how God's people are different in many ways but also similar. Different in regards to culture, personality, and background. Similar in regards to loving Jesus, serving together, seeking the lost, discipleship...I could go on. I loved that The Village was so committed to the things that I had been a part of in Ohio. It shows that God is at work in and through his people all over the world. I have loved serving with the body in so many ways at The Village. I love getting to see God use people with their unique gifts. It's such a blessing to see how God uses those gifts to create something beautiful, for His glory, and He certainly is here at The Village.

I believe that my internal calling to be an elder was not a particular moment; rather a process over a period of time. Sharing the elder process with friends and former pastors confirmed the external calling from the elders at The Village church. I began to sense an internal calling over the months of elder meetings and training. As I prayed throughout the process I began to have a peace that Jesus was calling me to be an elder at The Village.

During the elder process, I became excited about learning from and serving with godly men that I trust and respect. I also began to look forward to using some of the gifts that God has given me in new and different ways. I look forward to leading and serving the body of Christ humbly and sacrificially in this season.

Over the past few years, I have been honored to serve alongside many of you in the connect ministry. It has been amazing to see the growth at The Village over the past few years, and I know that part of the reason they choose to stay is because they have been welcomed so well by all of you. As we continue to grow, by God's grace, I believe it is important that guests are served, connected and welcomed very well here at the Village. I also desire that those of you who have been at The Village for some time are served, connected and cared for all the more in the days ahead. I am excited about leading in bigger ways as an elder at The Village in this area. As the connection pastor, I look forward to serving along with many of you as we connect and serve visitors, attenders and partners in various ways at The Village Church.

While I am looking forward to overseeing this ministry, I also look forward to shepherding humbly at The Village Church. Through the elder process I have often been reminded of 1 Peter 5. This passage talks about shepherding the flock of God and exercising oversight, but not doing so under compulsion or for shameful gain. The passage also commands that the whole church should be clothed with humility. My prayer is that we all remain humble in the way we serve and that we do so joyfully!

My hope for the Village, in the days ahead, is to serve as Jesus has so graciously served us.

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
-Mark 10:45

Pastor Jonathan Begg