Pastor Dan on Partnership & Pastoring
We live in a world that is incredibly well connected and engaged yet tragically alone. Very few people have deep, meaningful relationships.
That’s one reason I am excited to partner with you and to serve as one of your pastors. I want to continue to build relationships at the Village that are saturated in gospel thinking and acting. I want to live out the gospel in community with you and the people God is bringing to us.
At some point in life we find ourselves looking for a new church. It happens. And it’s a really difficult task. We came to the Village Church about three years ago. We had moved to California from Minnesota and were struggling to find a new church home. Sure, I wanted sound theology; I wasn’t willing to budge on that. But I wanted more… I wanted a place where I could build solid, godly, gospel-centered friendships; the kind that would spur me on and stir me up to love Jesus more and serve him better. That’s why we stayed. We love the people of the Village Church.
I am thrilled to be able to covenant with you as a fellow partner. I want to walk and live out the one another passages of Scripture with you. I want to seek peace, show honor, and bring comfort. I want to encourage, exhort, and engage. I want to grow in humility and learn to defer to you out of reverence for Christ. And, because I know we will fail at times, I want to extend and receive forgiveness. “Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another as Christ forgave you.” (Eph. 4:22).
I am honored to serve as one of your pastors and I am sober-minded in my commitment to you. Alongside the other elders I will work hard for you, committing time and energies to lead and love you well. I commit to study the Scriptures with diligence and prayer so that the teaching of God’s word will bear fruit in our lives. I commit to listen to your voice and take seriously both your concerns and ideas. I will seek to honor the trust you have given by conducting my life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Jesus. I willingly shepherd you, not under compulsion or for personal reward or to wield power or gain control, but to love, care and protect you in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
My commitment to both young and old is to partner with you in making the Village Church a place of deep, significant, helpful and healing relationships. A place where the gospel is lived out in community for the glory of God.
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