The Gospel at Work...
In all humbleness I wanted to share with you how God answers prayer. Hopefully this may encourage some of you who are as financially strapped as us, and praying for an unsaved friend.
Following Sunday’s service November 14th, Heidi and I talked about what we could do as a family in helping the “least of these.” We decided we would pray together on Monday and discuss it with our kids, Summer, Corey, and Amber.
24 hours later
Monday night at 6:30 PM: we sat together at dinner and we placed on the table Operation Shoe box and the opportunity to purchase a goat and chickens for a family. Together we prayed and committed to purchase a goat and chickens; about $145.00 or so. Inside my heart I committed to give up what ever pleasure we have; cup of coffee at the donut shop, eating out, ect… I know the money could be found.
11 hours later
Tuesday AM: I woke and arrived at school (work...I'm a teacher) at 5:00 AM and began my walk around our school, I began to pray and heard a disturbing sound near our cafeteria building (gushing water).I discovered someone tore the faucet out of the wall and water was flooding, over the whole cafeteria, teacher’s lounge and our auditorium. At first I decided our janitor could handle it, I began to pray and asked the Lord what I should do, “You have the gift of Helps use it, serve my people.” I grabbed a squeegee opened all the doors, helped the janitor turn off the water and began pushing out an inch of water from one end of the building onto the other (our cafeteria lady is partially crippled and could not begin to do the work). More help arrived, cafeteria food service employees, two hours later the job was finished; needless to say other teachers who were early would not offer to help.
God’s Awesome Work
What some as intended as evil God will use for His good…Pete, the Head custodian whom I have been witnessing to for eleven years told me that morning as we worked side by side “God sent you, I was praying yesterday for help I’ve been really hurting.” Pete broke his foot two weeks before and he may end up having it amputated because of his diabetic condition. I told him God loves him and cares for him and shared the Gospel once again. Lastly, our lunch lady told the staff she wants me to have free lunch and breakfast for the next two months a $150.00 savings! Guess where that money is going towards! Yes, a goat and some chickens.
“Church happens more between Sundays than on Sundays”
In His service,
Ron C.
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