Village Church exists to glorify God by growing and multiplying disciples who are delighting in Jesus, declaring the Good News about Jesus and displaying the life of Jesus – because every village needs Jesus.
Delighting In Jesus
At Village Church, we want to DELIGHT in Jesus in all of life, in all kinds of ways. His people have done this in some distinct ways since the day He established His church, and we desire to delight in Him in these ways and more:
1. Delighting In Him Through His Word
We desire to delight in Him, enjoy Him, through His Word – which reveals His heart, His mind and His delight in us as His people. (Acts 2:42; Psalm 1:1-2)
2. Delighting In Him Through Prayer
We desire to delight in Him, enjoy Him, through prayer. Prayer is about delighting in Him more than getting things from Him. (Acts 2:42; Nehemiah 1:11)
3. Delighting In Him Through Fellowship
We desire to delight in Him, enjoy Him, through fellowship with His people – who reflect back to one another something of who He is. (Acts 2:42; Psalm 16:3)
4. Delighting In Him Through Worship in Song
We desire to delight in Him, enjoy Him, through singing of all that He is and all that He’s done - lifting our voices and our hearts to Him. (Acts 16:25; Psalm 149:1)
Declaring The Good News About Jesus
At Village Church, we want to DECLARE the Good News about Jesus in all of life, in all kinds of ways – to ourselves, to one another, and to the lost. His people have done this in some distinct ways since the day He established His church, and we desire to declare Him in these ways and more:
1. Declaring The Good News About Jesus Through Preaching
We desire to declare His Gospel through the regular preaching of His Word – always pointing to Him in all or preaching. Preaching is the primary means by which God declares His Gospel to the world. (Acts 5:42; Romans 10:14)
2. Declaring The Good News About Jesus Through Teaching
We desire to declare His Gospel through the regular teaching of His Word to His people. Those who have heard His call through preaching are built up in their faith through Gospel-centered teaching. (Acts 2:42; Colossians 1:28)
3. Declaring The Good News About Jesus In Personal Relationships
We desire to declare His Gospel to one another in the context of personal relationship, talking about who Jesus is and what He has done in the everyday, ordinary moments of life together. (Acts 2:42; Colossians 3:16)
4. Declaring The Good News About Jesus Through Personal Evangelism
We desire to declare His Gospel to the lost through personal evangelism, telling people we know and meet about the new life that can be found in Jesus. (Acts 8:29-31; John 4:39)
Displaying The Life of Jesus
At Village Church, we want to DISPLAY the life of Jesus in all of life, in all kinds of ways. His people have done this in some distinct ways since the day He established His church, and we desire to display Him in these ways and more. We desire to display His life in concentric circles – from those closest to us and in the daily routines of life (home, community, church), to those further from us in the farthest parts of the world. (Acts 1:8; Habakkuk 2:14)
1. Displaying Him Through A Lifestyle of Love
We desire to display His life through a lifestyle of love, which ultimately points others to the love He has shown us in Himself. (Galatians 5:22-23; John 13:34-35)
2. Displaying Him Through A Lifestyle of Obedience
We desire to display His life through a lifestyle of obedience, which ultimately displays something of His character. (Romans 1:5; Matthew 5:16)
3. Displaying Him Through A Lifestyle of Service
We desire to display His life through a lifestyle of service, which ultimately points others to the way Jesus has served us in the greatest thing we needed to be served in. (1 Peter 4:10; Mark 10:43-45)
4. Displaying Him Through Biblical Community
We desire to display His life through biblical community, which ultimately points others to the way that God exists in loving community with Himself. (Acts 2:46-47; John 17:20-21)
5. Displaying Him Through Acts of Mercy
We desire to display His life through acts of mercy, which ultimately points others to the mercy He has show us in the cross. (Romans 12:6-8; Luke 10:36-37)