Irvine, CA // Sunday Service Time: 9:30 AM

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Young Adults Ministry


The Village Church Young Adults Ministry exists to provide Gospel-centered fellowship and community for the young adults of the Village Church.


Village Young Adults is shaped by four central values: Gospel-centrality, community, integration, and fun.


Gospel Centrality: We seek to always be young adults that are shaped and transformed by the glorious reality of Christ crucified. Not only has the cross brought us near to God, but near to one another.

Community: Village Young Adults exists to provide the post-graduates of the Village Church with community and fellowship. We seek to do life together, as we strive toward Jesus in all that we do.

Integration: We believe in the beauty of multi-generational fellowship (one of the most wonderful aspects of life in the Church!). We seek to help our young adults get plugged in with the people and families of the greater Village Church. 

Fun: We accomplish all of these things while also having tons of fun. 



These four values play themselves out in the life of Village Young Adults by these rhythmic gatherings:

First Fridays: On the First Friday night of each month, VYA gathers for a fun event such as bowling, family-style potluck dinners, barbecues, etc.

Second Sundays: Each Second Sunday of the month, VYA gets lunch together after Church that's followed by time at the beach or a hike.

Quarterly Partner Dinners: Once a quarter, VYA gather at a Village Church Partner's home to share a meal and enjoy one another's company, while getting to know some cool families from our own Church Family.




For more info, please reach out to Tommy at

For a more extensive document on the vision of this ministry, click HERE.

Follow us on Instagram at @village_ya.