Five Things to Know This Month: February 2018
Each month we send you "Five Things to Know" this month at Village Church. This will typically include classes, info, and upcoming events. We also will give you dates to save as early as possible, so that you can get them on your calendar and be able to plan for them. Here's five things to know this month:
1. Acts 29 OC Men's Day
We are hosting the first ever Acts 29 Orange County Men's Day on March 10th, and we hope all our men can be there. This will be a one day event for men hosted by Acts 29 churches throughout Orange County. Check out the signup page for more info.
2. Women's Spring Bible Study
Our spring Bible study begins in March. This will be a 10-week study through the Letters of John with two groups to choose from:
Monday Nights // 7pm - 8:30pm
Tuesday Mornings // 9:15am - 11:15am (childcare available)
Visit our signup page for more info and get registered in a group.
Questions? contact
3. Block Party Dates 2018
We had a great time together at our 2017 Block Parties, and we are planning three more for 2018. Mark your calendars with our 2018 Block Party dates, and we will see you there:
April 14th
August 4th
December 8th
4. Host Homes Needed
We are looking for people who are willing to open up their home to host a Community Group in 2018. Preferably, your home should be in a city in Orange County and not out in a field like the one above.
If you are interested in partnering together with a Community Group Leader and hosting a Community Group this year, reach out to Pastor Dave Kraft and let him know (
5. Village Adventures 2018 Dates
Save the dates for Village Adventures 2018: June 25th-29th. We had a blast last year at Village Adventures, and it was great to have so many kids and adults taking part in the event together. Village Adventures 2018 will be here soon, and we would love to have everyone at our church involved in some way. Mark your calendars today, and we hope to see you there!
More in Community Blog
February 2, 2019
Five Things to Know This Month: February 2019January 16, 2019
Women's Spring Bible Study 2019January 2, 2019
Five Things to Know This Month: January 2019