Five Things to Know This Month: January 2019
Each month we send you "Five Things to Know" this month at Village Church. This will typically include classes, info, and upcoming events. We also will give you dates to save as early as possible, so that you can get them on your calendar and be able to plan for them. Here's five things to know this month:
1. Women's Ministry // TeaOlogy Nights
Village Church Women’s Ministry is hosting two evening gatherings this winter for all women to come together for hot drinks, fellowship, and discussion on various topics regarding the Bible and Theology. Our first one is coming up this Sunday, January 13th. You can register online. It's only $3!
January 13th: Tools for personal Bible Reading
February 10th: God's Great story: Following His storyline from Genesis to Revelation
2. Men's Ministry // Winter Bible Study
All men are invited to join the men of Village Church for a six-week study through First Peter, taught by Pastor David and others.
Each night will include teaching, small group discussion, and fellowship together. This is a great chance to grow deep in your knowledge of Scripture and get connected with other men of Village Church.
Already signed up? Stop by the Reading Plan Resource booth this Sunday in the back of the sanctuary to pick up your book.
3. Women's Ministry // Spring Bible Study
All women are invited to join our Spring Women's Bible Study - a 10 week Bible study through the book of Philippians. This study will grow us in understanding our loving God and increase our joy and contentment in him as God’s Word reveals to us the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ. Each session together will include teaching, small group discussion, prayer and fellowship.
Childcare will be available on Tuesday mornings. You can find more childcare information on the registration page.
4. 2019 Bible Reading Plan
We hope you are enjoying being in God's Word together with our 2019 Reading Plan. If you haven't started, it's not too late to dive in. Our 2019 reading plan is an adapted version of the "M'Cheyne" reading plan, a well known and loved plan put together by the 19th century Scottish minister Robert Murray M'Cheyne, and used as the reading plan for D.A. Carson's devotional, "For the Love of God." This particular reading plan gives us about four chapters of Scripture each day and will lead us through:
The Old Testament (once)
Psalms (twice)
The New Testament (twice)
We are really excited to be doing this together, and we believe it will be a tremendous blessing to be reading God's Word together in alignment as a church throughout 2019. You can find all the digital resources on our Reading Plan Page.
5. New Series This Sunday: God at Work
We are excited to begin a brand new series in the Book of Daniel starting this Sunday. As we study this book together over the next few months, we will see some stories that are familiar to many of us, and look deeply at many chapters in Daniel that are perhaps a bit less familiar.
Each Sunday we open up Daniel together, we will be reminded that we serve a God who is always at work - in every place and every moment.
Our hope is that we will come away from this book with a greater understanding of the character of God and a greater delight in His sovereign power to work all things for His glory among the nations. And we pray that God will use His Word to encourage our hearts in whatever circumstances we face today, knowing that God is at work in our own individual lives as He has been since the beginning.
See you Sunday, Village Church!
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Five Things to Know This Month: January 2019