Five Things to Know This Month: November 2018
Each month we send you "Five Things to Know" this month at Village Church. This will typically include classes, info, and upcoming events. We also will give you dates to save as early as possible, so that you can get them on your calendar and be able to plan for them. Here's five things to know this month:
1. Women's Ministry Fall Gathering
All women are invited to a night of fellowship and fun on November 9th. We have fall-themed food, games, and crafts, and it’s a great opportunity to get to know some more women of Village Church.
TIME: 7-9pm
COST: $5
2. ON THE BLOG: Politically Correct Christians
The term ‘politically correct’ has meant many things since it was introduced into the English language in the late 1700s – likely both in ways you would and would not resonate with.
What I’m meaning by the term ‘Politically Correct Christians’ in this post is simply this: Christians who have a biblically correct view of the political process and act in biblically correct ways toward everyone involved in that political process.
Now, I know that’s a mouthful, and there are volumes that can, and have been written on this topic, but I’ve found the Apostle Peter, of all people, has boiled it down for us into four, biblical, ethical, practical and simple ways we can both think correctly and act correctly in the political process we will be involved in this week.
I believe the Apostle Peter would describe ‘Politically Correct Christians’ as those who:
Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor... (read more)
3. Winter Block Party 2018: December 8th
Mark your calendars for the Winter Block Party on December 8th from 4-8pm. We will have great food, Christmas crafts and games, and indoor laser tag for all ages.
Interested in helping our planning team?
Email Caitlyn:
4. Village Church Spotify Playlist
Do you use Spotify to find and listen to music? We created a Spotify playlist of all the songs we sing on Sundays. Subscribe to the playlist and you will get notifications when we add new songs. Check it out here.
5. Help Us Update Your Info
We are grateful for all of the ways that people serve our church family each week. We have a variety of different Serve Teams that you can be involved with at Village Church.
Can you take a minute and update your Serve Teams info? You can see a full list of our Serve Teams, update your serving roles, and let us know any Serve Teams that you are interested in joining. Thanks!
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