Politically Correct Christians
So, I’m assuming I grabbed your attention with the title of this blog post.
I’m also assuming there are many reasons for that – one being the nature of the term ‘politically correct' in our current cultural context.
Truth be told, the term ‘politically correct’ has meant many things since it was introduced into the English language in the late 1700s – likely both in ways you would and would not resonate with.
What I’m meaning by the term ‘Politically Correct Christians’ in this post is simply this: Christians who have a biblically correct view of the political process and act in biblically correct ways toward everyone involved in that political process.
Now, I know that’s a mouthful, and there are volumes that can, and have been written on this topic, but I’ve found the Apostle Peter, of all people, has boiled it down for us into four, biblical, ethical, practical and simple ways we can both think correctly and act correctly in the political process we will be involved in this week.
I believe the Apostle Peter would describe ‘Politically Correct Christians’ as those who:
Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.
(1 Peter 2:17 ESV)
(1) Honor Everyone
The word ‘honor’ (timaō) here means, “to fix the value of.”
The word ‘everyone’(pas) here means, well, “everyone.” Every politician. Every pundit. Every partisan. Every race. Every ethnicity. Every gender. Every socio-economic group. Every religious group. Everyone.
This makes sense to us as Christians, right? This is obvious to us as Christians, right?
This does and this is, because this is what we see in the beginning – that every person is created in the image of God with dignity, value and worth (Genesis 1:27-28). There is no person who is intrinsically worth more or less because of their political affiliation or part in the political process. Their value has been fixed by God because they are created by God and in the image of God.
So as you engage in the political process this week, honor everyone. Honor them in what you think about them, say about them, feel about them or post about them.
Honor everyone.
(2) Love The Brotherhood
The word ‘love’ (agapaō) here means, “to love without condition.”
The word ‘brotherhood’(adelphotēs) here means, “Christians.” All Christians. Republican Christians. Democrat Christians. Independent Christians. Green Party Christians. Every Christian.
This makes sense to us as Christians, right? This is obvious to us as Christians, right?
This does and this is, because this is how Jesus said people would know we are in fact Christians – by our love for one another (John 13:34-35). There is no Christian who deserves more or less love because of their political affiliation or part in the political process. They are loved by God, without condition, and they should be loved by us, without political conditions.
This is one of the things that disappointed me most during the past election cycle. It seemed to me that most Christians did a better job of ‘honoring everyone’ than they did ‘loving the brotherhood’. This shouldn’t be. This doesn’t have to be. By God’s grace this week, this won’t be.
So as you engage in the political process this week, love the brotherhood. Love them in what you think about them, say about them, feel about them, or post to or about them.
Love the brotherhood.
(3) Fear God
The word ‘fear’ (phobeō) here means, “to be in awe of or afraid of.”
The word ‘God’ (theos) here means, well, “God – The God of the Bible.”
This makes sense to us as Christians, right? This is obvious to us as Christians, right?
This does and this is, because God is the only One we should ultimately stand in awe of (Ps.33:8). God is the only One we should ultimately be afraid of, in the most reverent and respectful kind of way (Ps.33:8). There is no one, certainly no politician, partisan or pundit that deserves more of our awe and respect.
So as you engage in the political process this week, fear God. Think and talk about Him and His place in the political process with awe and respect. Believe Him for His place in the political process with awe and respect.
Fear God.
(4) Honor The Emperor
By now you may have thought you can and you will honor everyone, love the brotherhood and fear God. But honor the Emperor? Can you do that? Will you?
The word ‘honor’ (timaō) here is the same word Peter used earlier for ‘honoring everyone’. It means, “to fix the value of.”
The word ‘emperor’ (basileus) here means, “leader of the people.”
This makes sense to us as Christians, right? This is obvious to us as Christians, right?
This does and this is, because this is how Peter says we are to act toward those in authority over us politically (1 Peter 2:13-16). There is no President, Congressperson, Senator or Governor who is intrinsically worth more or less because of their political party or ideology. Their value has been fixed by God because they are created by God and in the image of God, like the rest of us, no matter what value we might be tempted to take away from them because of their political affiliation or disposition.
So as you engage in the political process this week, honor the emperor. Honor them in what you think about them, say about them, feel about them or post about them.
Honor the emperor.
Will you be a politically correct Christian this week?
Will you have a biblically correct view of the political process and act in biblically correct ways toward everyone involved in that political process?
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