May 26, 2016
by Guest Post
Sermon Notes
Imagine what it could look like in your world if you and other Christians dealt with conflict in healthy, biblical ways as we are all led empowered by God.
This section of scripture is not about lawsuits per se, but how to resolve conflicts. There are healthy ways to settle disputes, disagreements conflicts among Christians; filing lawsuits is not one of them.
It's "La...
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February 11, 2014
by Guest Post
I get to write the checks!
I know that sounds funny, but I really love to be able to write the tithe checks and slip them into the offering boxes at the back of the church. I get a kick out of this very private, 'between us and God' action every other week. I didn't always feel that way though.
I came to the Lord when I was 25 with not a dime to my name. I had recently...
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February 6, 2014
by Guest Post
What does an authentic Gospel-centered Community look like when it comes to material partnership?
Acts 2:44-45 gives us a glimpse of such a community.
"And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need."
Sounds nice, doesn't it? But is that still...
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January 31, 2014
by Guest Post
What Do Gospel-Centered Relationships Look Like Between Churches?
Friends care, give, forgive, listen, support, and do life together. What a friend we have in Jesus! Indeed, through the friendship centered on Jesus, I believe pastor Matt Kyser and the leadership at The Village Church have demonstrated such friendship centered on the gospel.
I remember meeti...
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January 29, 2014
by Guest Post
I first attended The Village Church on a Sunday in September 2012. There are two particular things that happened that morning that are not only specifically memorable but, proved to foreshadow my future experience at The Village Church. I was fifteen minutes early like most people visiting a new church for the first time. While thumbing through my bulletin, Pastor Matt c...
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January 27, 2014
by Guest Post
Two years ago, God led our family to visit the Village Church. We knew from that first Sunday that we had found our new church home. The name of Jesus was pretty constantly on people’s lips, both in the pulpit and in conversations around the building. And we were overwhelmed by how welcoming people were from the very beginning.
God’s providence in planting...
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January 27, 2014
by Guest Post
When Lauren and I first came to The Village two and a half years ago, we had just gotten married and moved across the country. We were excited to start our new life together, but we were sadly leaving a lot behind. Lauren was moving away from her family and we were both leaving churches where we had a lot of strong relationships. We had to start all over building godly f...
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January 23, 2014
by Guest Post
Gospel Partnership
On my first Sunday at The Village, Cyndi Weeks said something to the congregation that seemed a little strange to me at the time. In between songs she said something about God's sovereignty. Something about how big and glorious he was and how we weren't those things and how amazing it was that this big, sovereign God saved us. I grew up going to church but had never hear...
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January 23, 2014
by Guest Post
Gospel Partnership
A little over a year ago, my husband, Jonathan, and I moved to Orange County. We knew we needed to quickly find a church home. Looking for a new church home was a humbling experience for us since we were a part of our previous church for over eight years. Thankfully, the Lord led us to The Village. After our first visit, it was apparent that the foundation of The Village...
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January 22, 2014
by Guest Post
Gospel Partnership
"We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with...
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January 22, 2014
by Guest Post
Gospel Partnership
We came to the Village last January hoping to find a church that truly valued community. We wanted to feel connected, to find people we could grow alongside, enjoy life with and engage in the gospel with on a day-to-day basis.
We had no idea what God had in store for us.
It didn't take long for God to take our desire and turn it into our mission. Over the summer we wer...
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January 22, 2014
by Guest Post
Gospel Partnership
I never really liked school. I loved the social aspect of spending hours with my friends but the work part of school never excited me. This is mostly because training and discipline have been more obligatory activities for me. I don't consider myself a very disciplined person. Because my dream was to become a stay at home mom, training and equipping didn't seem relevant....
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