November 30, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service," - 1 Timothy 1:12
Give Him thanks today for the area of service or ministry He has invtied you into!...
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November 29, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"We ought always to givethanksto God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing." - 2 Thessalonians 1:3
Thank Him today for the growth you see in the lives of the Christians who are close to you!...
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November 28, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"Givethanksin all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." - 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Give thanks to Him today for what He is doing through even the hard circumstances in your life!...
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November 27, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"We givethanksto God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers," - 1 Thessalonians 1:2
Thank Him today for the other Christians you know and love, both near and far!...
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November 26, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"givingthanksto the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light." - Colossians 1:12
Thank Him today for the inheritance you have in Him!...
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November 25, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"givingthanksalways and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," - Ephesians 5:20
Give thanks to God in everything in your life today, easy and hard!...
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November 24, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"I do not cease to givethanksfor you, remembering you in my prayers," - Ephesians 1:16
Give thanks to God in your prayers today!...
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November 23, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"Thanksbe to God for his inexpressible gift!" - 2 Corinthians 9:15
Give thanks to the Father for His incomparable Son!...
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November 22, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"Butthanksbe to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere." - 2 Corinthians 2:14
Give thanks for spreading His name through the triumphs in your life!...
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November 21, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"Butthanksbe to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." - 1 Corinthians 15:57
Thank Him for the supernatural victories He has given you!...
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November 20, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"At that time Jesus declared, "I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children;" - Matthew 11:25
Thank Him that He has revealed the truth of who He is to you!...
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November 19, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"[Daniel] got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously." - Daniel 6:10
Give thanks to Him even when others are against you!...
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November 18, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"To you, O God of my fathers, I givethanksand praise, for you have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of you, for you have made known to us the king's matter." - Daniel 2:23
Give Him thanks for revealing His will and ways to us!...
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November 17, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation."- Psalm 118:21
Thank Him for the way He has answered your prayer!...
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November 16, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man!"- Psalm 107:31
Thank Him for the wondrous works He has done in your life!...
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November 15, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"Praise the LORD! Oh givethanksto the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!"- Psalm 106:1
Thank Him for His goodness!...
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November 14, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Givethanksto him; bless his name!"- Psalm 100:4
Give Him thanks as you come into His presence!...
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November 13, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"I givethanksto you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever."- Psalm 86:12
Thank Him with your whole heart!...
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November 12, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"But we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will givethanksto you forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise."- Psalm 79:13
Give Him thanks like the generation before you!...
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November 11, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"We givethanksto you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. We recount your wondrous deeds."- Psalm 75:1
Give Him thanks because He is near!...
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November 10, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"I will thank you forever, because you have done it. I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly."- Psalm 52:9
Thank Him for something specific He has done!...
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November 9, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"In God we have boasted continually, and we will givethanksto your name forever."- Psalm 44:8
Give thanks to Him continually!...
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November 8, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"I will thank you in the great congregation; in the mighty throng I will praise you."- Psalm 35:18
Thank Him when you're at church in a way others can hear!...
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November 7, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and givethanksto his holy name."- Psalm 30:4
Give thanks to Him because He is holy!...
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November 6, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I givethanksto him."- Psalm 28:7
Thank Him for the help He has shown you!...
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November 5, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"I will give to the LORD thethanksdue to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High."- Psalm 7:17
Give thanks to Him because it is due to Him!...
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November 4, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"And they sang responsively, praising and givingthanksto the LORD, 'For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever toward Israel.' And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the LORD"- Ezra 3:11
Thank Him as you gather with His people!...
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November 3, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"And they were to stand every morning, thanking and praising the LORD, and likewise at evening" - 1 Chronicles 23:30
Thank Him in the morning! Thank Him in the evening!...
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November 2, 2020
by Village Church Irvine
"Oh givethanksto the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!" - 1 Chronicles 16:34
Thank Him for the goodness of His never-ending love and faithfulness....
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February 2, 2019
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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January 2, 2019
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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December 3, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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November 2, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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October 3, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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September 3, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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July 31, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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July 2, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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June 2, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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May 2, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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April 2, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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March 2, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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February 1, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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January 4, 2018
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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December 1, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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November 5, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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October 4, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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September 5, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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August 24, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
We are excited to have Jen Pam joining our staff as Director of Women's Ministry at Village Church...
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August 2, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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July 1, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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June 14, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
Men's Ministry
Join Pastor Mike Langdon for a 10-week summer study through Philippians...
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June 1, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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May 1, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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April 26, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
We had an incredible Easter season together at Village Church. Check out these photos from the week...
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April 1, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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March 27, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
Join us for a two-day event looking at how we can encounter the life-transforming power of the gospel in the unpredictable journey of marriage...
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March 20, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
On March 26th 2017, we will be having just one service together at 11:00am...
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March 1, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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February 1, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
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January 1, 2017
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Happy New Year, Village Church! We are excited for what God has in store for us as a church family in 2017. Here's five things for you to know this month...
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December 1, 2016
by Village Church Irvine
5 Things
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church. ...
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November 18, 2016
by Village Church Irvine
Prayer Gatherings
This month we gathered in prayer around the theme of "Declare." We split the evening into past, present, and future declarations of God's faithfulness. We devoted some time to praying over the Herring Family in their foster family story, and we were led through litanies written by Jon Ortiz and Jim Martin. Our next prayer gathering is December 14th. We hope to see you ther...
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October 14, 2016
by Village Church Irvine
If you are new to Village Church, or if you have been here for awhile, you have probably noticed that God has graced our church with an abundance of kids. That makes Village Kids an incredibly vital and important ministry of our church.
Our goal for Village Kids is to provide a safe, fun, clean, and loving environment so that kids can hear the Gospel truths. Ultimately, w...
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October 14, 2016
by Village Church Irvine
Hear how the Wooten family got connected at Village Church. ...
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February 2, 2016
by Village Church Irvine
Village Vision & Values
This past Sunday we talked about what it means to be a material partner at the Village. Here, the Ayers family shares about how God provided for them through their church family....
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January 26, 2016
by Village Church Irvine
Village Vision & Values
This past Sunday we learned about what it means to be a relational partner at the Village. Here Seth Gruber shares about his experience in community as a relational partner at Village Church. ...
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January 19, 2016
by Village Church Irvine
Village Vision & Values
This past Sunday we took a look at what it means to be a missional partner at the Village. Here is Scott and Katelyn Cheo sharing about their experience being partners on mission in their every day life....
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September 11, 2015
by Village Church Irvine
The schedule for our Apprentice Academy Foundations track is now live for 2015-2016....
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December 26, 2014
by Village Church Irvine
Ministry to Men
| Tags: men
Village men, join us on January 10th at 5:30pm - 9:00pm as we launch a brand new men's ministry tradition, RESET. We are gathering together to start the new year with fellowship, fun, food, and focusing our hearts on Jesus. Let's join together and declare that our lives are fixed on Christ in 2015....
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November 6, 2014
by Village Church Irvine
It's the time of year to collect shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! Join us by packing boxes that deliver hope to children around the world!
The final day for collecting shoeboxes at the Village Church is November 16t. For more information, checkout the flyers in the Hub or if you are interested in serving at the processing plant on Dec 1 reach out to Judy Smith ...
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October 7, 2014
by Village Church Irvine
Men of The Village, Jesus wants you! He wants you to be at this year's Men's Adavnce, Oct 3-5. Cost is $199. The cost of not going is much highter.
The retreat will be held at Oakbridge in Ramona, Ca. For more information email
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April 26, 2014
by Village Church Irvine
Join speaker and author, Paul David Tripp, on June 13 -14 as he redeems the realities of marriage in this weekend conference. Learn how a marriage of unity, understanding, and love is rooted in worship. The conference will be at the Watermark OC Church in Costa Mesa. For more details contact Darren or Lisa Youngman at
Click Here to Register...
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