Christ + Culture Reflections // January 2021
God's Word shows us that as believers, our ultimate affection, allegiance, and affiliation is for one place, one person, and one party ...
Keep ReadingEach month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
Join us this Spring for a 10-week Bible study through the book of Philippians...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
The Apostle Peter has boiled it down for us into four biblical, ethical, practical and simple ways we can both think correctly and act correctly in the political process we will be involved in this week...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
The REALITY regarding retreat is that we GET to spend personal time alone with God, because of what Jesus has done. We don’t HAVE to spend time with God because of what Jesus has done. We have an INVITATION not an OBLIGATION...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
I’m convinced that if Paul were an American citizen in our day, he would use every advantage his American citizenship would give him, because of the sacrifice of so many and the sovereignty of God, to accomplish the things Jesus would have for him in our time, in our country, in our place in redemptive history...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
Christians should love mercy, and long to grow in the way they receive mercy from Jesus and give mercy to others, in his name...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
All women are invited to join a summer book study and discussion group centered around the topic of Gospel parenting...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
Our 2018 Women's Retreat was an incredible weekend of seeking God, growing closer together, and believing deeply that in Christ, we truly belong together...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
If you’re like me, you love seeing church services full on Easter Sunday morning. But what you’d love most would be seeing it full of people you know and love that you would love to see come to know and love Jesus...
On March 25th, we witnessed two baptisms together at our Spring 2018 Baptism Sunday, and celebrated together with a family lunch...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
My bet is when most of us think about prayer, we most often think solely about private prayer. Perhaps contrary to popular belief, Jesus may have prayed as much in public as in private ...
Lent is not just seasonal, historical or practical, but intensely theological...
Until we name our need, it is just another part of our head noise – something abstract that doesn’t get the time and attention it deserves...
You are invited to join us for a one month prayer challenge through the Lord's Prayer...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
The Rich Young Ruler couldn’t see his idol, but Jesus could. This is the way it often is with idolatry – we are so caught up in it that we can’t see the forest for the trees. We’re too close to it, and too close to see it...
Beginning January 18th, Village Men will be reading through Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller, and meeting throughout Orange County in discussion groups...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
You are invited to join us in a 1-month Gospels Reading Challenge to begin the New Year...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
Advent season is one of the best times to invite someone to hear the good news of Christmas ...
What would Jesus do about sexual exploitation? Perhaps the better question is, “What DID Jesus do about sexual exploitation?”...
What should our response be, as Christians, to an event like the tragedy in Southerland Springs, and its connection to mental health and/or demonic activity?...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
Preparing in our worship between Sundays changes the way we come to church on any given Sunday...
Last Sunday, we had the privilege of joining with five families as they dedicate their children to the Lord...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
We had an incredible weekend away as men for our 2017 Men's Advance, filled with fellowship, teaching, worship, late night bonfires, and lots of new friendships...
This month we had the privilege of baptizing ten people, and celebrating ten unique stories of salvation in Jesus Christ...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
Village Church is partnering with our Acts 29 network in relief efforts for Hurricane Harvey...
We are excited to have Jen Pam joining our staff as Director of Women's Ministry at Village Church...
Our 4th-6th Grade ministry had a great Mini Retreat filled with Bible teaching, music, food, games, and laser tag...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
We had a great time together at our Women's Ministry "Salsa Fest" event...
We had a great week at Village Adventures 2017, filled with songs, games, crafts, Bible lessons, and lots of laughter...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
Join Pastor Mike Langdon for a 10-week summer study through Philippians...
A week long summer program for kids, filled with singing, dancing, crafting, playing silly games, listening to bible stories, and much more...
Registration is now open for our 2017 Men's Advance, and the early bird discount will save you $25...
Our culture is clashing more than ever over the issue of authority ...
We had an incredible Easter season together at Village Church. Check out these photos from the week...
Although it only takes two parents to birth a child, it takes an entire community taking an active role in raising a child for them to become a healthy, thriving adult. The same is true when raising a church...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
The Golden Rule is not just a command we are given, but it is also the undeserved treatment we have received from Jesus Christ...
Join us for a two-day event looking at how we can encounter the life-transforming power of the gospel in the unpredictable journey of marriage...
On March 26th 2017, we will be having just one service together at 11:00am...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church...
The Lord’s Prayer is the most influential prayer in the history of the church. Here's three ways you can pray this prayer more frequently and more joyfully in your own life...
The discipline of secrecy will help to cultivate intimacy, humility, and expectancy in your life...
Registration is open for the Women's Retreat! You can sign up now to reserve your spot. Don't miss this opportunity to grow closer to the Lord and other women...
One of the beautiful realities of marriage that Jesus points to is a “Profound Oneness” between a husband and wife, which points to the oneness that he desires with each of us. Theologians call this Union With Christ. If you have a desire to experience more oneness in your marriage but don’t know where to start, consider these seven means to oneness in marriage...
The Presidential Inauguration is a reminder to us of Paul's first letter to Timothy, that we are to offer “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions"...
There is a certain kind of anger that gives way to resentment, indifference, and degradation. Here's an exercise I've used in the past to let God shape my heart...
Happy New Year, Village Church! We are excited for what God has in store for us as a church family in 2017. Here's five things for you to know this month...
On Monday evening, our delivery team returned from Mexico and our Christmas backpack project is now complete. We want to say THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this project. Here's a quick recap...
Each month we will post a few things to help you stay in loop with what is going on at Village Church. ...
Like you, each Thanksgiving season I’m made all the more aware of the great things I have to be thankful for......
We had a great time together for the first of our new monthly prayer gatherings. Here's some photos of the evening. ...
What comes to mind when you hear the word “meek”? Perhaps it’s something like the scrawny guy from an advertisement who gets sand kicked in his face and takes it for fear of getting pummeled. For most people, meekness sounds more like a character deficiency than a virtue. ...
Hear how the Wooten family got connected at Village Church. ...
God's Word shows us that as believers, our ultimate affection, allegiance, and affiliation is for one place, one person, and one party ...
Keep ReadingThe Apostle Peter has boiled it down for us into four biblical, ethical, practical and simple ways we can both think correctly and act correctly in the political process we will be involved in this week...
Keep ReadingI’m convinced that if Paul were an American citizen in our day, he would use every advantage his American citizenship would give him, because of the sacrifice of so many and the sovereignty of God, to accomplish the things Jesus would have for him in our time, in our country, in our place in redemptive history...
Keep ReadingChristians should love mercy, and long to grow in the way they receive mercy from Jesus and give mercy to others, in his name...
Keep ReadingIf you’re like me, you love seeing church services full on Easter Sunday morning. But what you’d love most would be seeing it full of people you know and love that you would love to see come to know and love Jesus...
Keep ReadingMy bet is when most of us think about prayer, we most often think solely about private prayer. Perhaps contrary to popular belief, Jesus may have prayed as much in public as in private ...
Keep ReadingLent is not just seasonal, historical or practical, but intensely theological...
Keep ReadingUntil we name our need, it is just another part of our head noise – something abstract that doesn’t get the time and attention it deserves...
Keep ReadingYou are invited to join us for a one month prayer challenge through the Lord's Prayer...
Keep ReadingWe live in city and county filled with Tiger Moms ambitious moms who push and promote their kids in every way, everyday (term coined by Amy Chua). If you want a picture of unbridled and unchecked ambition, you need look no further than your closest Tiger Mom. What can the ambition of Tiger Moms teach us about our own ambitions? In Matthew 20:20-28, we have an account of...
Keep ReadingThe Rich Young Ruler couldn’t see his idol, but Jesus could. This is the way it often is with idolatry – we are so caught up in it that we can’t see the forest for the trees. We’re too close to it, and too close to see it...
Keep ReadingBeginning January 18th, Village Men will be reading through Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller, and meeting throughout Orange County in discussion groups...
Keep ReadingYou are invited to join us in a 1-month Gospels Reading Challenge to begin the New Year...
Keep ReadingAdvent season is one of the best times to invite someone to hear the good news of Christmas ...
Keep ReadingWhat would Jesus do about sexual exploitation? Perhaps the better question is, “What DID Jesus do about sexual exploitation?”...
Keep ReadingWhat should our response be, as Christians, to an event like the tragedy in Southerland Springs, and its connection to mental health and/or demonic activity?...
Keep ReadingPreparing in our worship between Sundays changes the way we come to church on any given Sunday...
Keep ReadingOur culture is clashing more than ever over the issue of authority ...
Keep ReadingAlthough it only takes two parents to birth a child, it takes an entire community taking an active role in raising a child for them to become a healthy, thriving adult. The same is true when raising a church...
Keep ReadingThe Golden Rule is not just a command we are given, but it is also the undeserved treatment we have received from Jesus Christ...
Keep ReadingThe Lord’s Prayer is the most influential prayer in the history of the church. Here's three ways you can pray this prayer more frequently and more joyfully in your own life...
Keep ReadingThe discipline of secrecy will help to cultivate intimacy, humility, and expectancy in your life...
Keep ReadingOne of the beautiful realities of marriage that Jesus points to is a “Profound Oneness” between a husband and wife, which points to the oneness that he desires with each of us. Theologians call this Union With Christ. If you have a desire to experience more oneness in your marriage but don’t know where to start, consider these seven means to oneness in marriage...
Keep ReadingThe Presidential Inauguration is a reminder to us of Paul's first letter to Timothy, that we are to offer “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions"...
Keep ReadingThere is a certain kind of anger that gives way to resentment, indifference, and degradation. Here's an exercise I've used in the past to let God shape my heart...
Keep ReadingLike you, each Thanksgiving season I’m made all the more aware of the great things I have to be thankful for......
Keep Reading(1) Pastors Have The Right To Live A Normal Life What exactly does it mean for a pastor to live a normal life? Paul answers that question from three angles logic, Scripture, Jesus. This says somethingit says that this is really important, and that he doesn't want us to miss this. (1) What LOGIC says about a normal life for a pastor: Paul asks a series of rhetorical q...
Keep ReadingThe Church, Culture, Marriage and Singleness | 1 Corinthians 7:1-40 Have you ever noticed that we can tend to over-spiritualize certain things?One of the things we can tend to over-spiritualize the most in Christian circles is marriage and singleness. Maybe you've been part of a church where being married, and especially being married and having kids, felt or even was c...
Keep ReadingIn a 2014 study conducted by, Christian singles between the ages of 18 to 59 were asked, "Would you have sex before marriage?" 63% of the single Christian respondents said 'yes'. What this survey, and others like it tell us, is that we have a kind of "sexual atheism" that is beginning to pervade the Church. Men and women alike will say that they belie...
Keep ReadingThis morning, as we continue our series Church Culture and talk about The Church, Culture Leadership, I thought it would be interesting to ask this question: Is the term "servant leadership" an oxymoron?" The Corinthian Christians have lived under largely selfish, self-seeking leadership models in their culture, and despite what they saw in Paul's servant leadership amo...
Keep ReadingHave you ever had the opportunity to get some kind of inside knowledge about something .. OR .. had some kind of inside experience? One of the deepest human desires is the desire to be on the insidethe desire to be in the know, to know something that other people don't know. C.S. Lewis called this "The Inner Ring." In reference to this "inner ring," Lewis said: Unless y...
Keep ReadingQuestion: If you could give God one piece of corrective wisdom, what would it be? This is our tendency: to assume that we have a similar kind of wisdom as God and begin to question His wisdom on things when we don't seem to think things are working. This is where the Corinthian Christians are. They've been questioning God and His wisdom by rhetorically asking at least th...
Keep ReadingWe started a new sermon series this week: The Church & Culture...
Keep ReadingWhat does it look like to be a theological partner at Village Church?...
Keep ReadingIf you're like me, or your family is like the Kyser family, you now have a 4x4 block of wood on your kitchen table as a daily reminder to pray for 4 individuals and 4 families 4 times a week for 4 weeks. So what are you praying for? Here are 7 Ways you can pray for them this week: 1. Pray Ephesians 1:3-6 for them that they would be among those God has chosen to adop...
Keep ReadingOne question we are often asked during Connect Group QA time is this: "What are the most important things to look for when looking for a new church?" Below you will find the answer I give to this question. As I think about these things, I am reminded of how grateful I am to be part of The Village Church with you. By God's grace, we are seeking after these things as we f...
Keep Reading7 Signs You're Living For The Approval of Man From John 7 Are you living for the approval of man instead of the approval of God? "Definitely not!" How do you know? "Maybe not." Seems a little unsure. "Hopefully not." Doesn't sound so hopeful. How would you really know that you're living for the approval of man, or not? What signs would you be looking for? John 7 is satur...
Keep ReadingWhat is it that excites me about not only being a Village Church Partner, but a Village Church Pastor as well? There are so many things. Just so many things. Where would I even begin? For the sake of a good reference point, let me begin with the days leading up to the Men's Advance of 2011. As I prepared for my preaching that year, I read Darren Patrick's book, "Church...
Keep ReadingVillage Church, Some of you have asked recently, "How do I walk with God in the midst of pain and suffering?" I've asked the same question again myself in light of our loss of Brenna Horsley. Tim Keller has done some great work on this question in his book, "Walking With God In The Midst of Pain Suffering." Along with my time in Scripture this past week, this resources ...
Keep ReadingYou've heard it said a thousand times that Christians are to love one another. But what does that actually mean in the actual things of life? In his letters, the Apostle John tells us we are to love one another in some general ways (1 John 3:11, 4:7-8; 2 John 1:5), but then goes on to tell us that we are to love one another in one very particular way (1 John 3:17-18): But...
Keep ReadingSome "church experts" say that people in our church will stop inviting friends and family when the church is more than 80% full. You know what I say - the 80% Rule is dumb....
Keep ReadingLast week Pastor Matt, along with Pastor Nick Bogardus of Mars Hill OC (on Skype screen), had aSkype Board Meeting with Pastor Samuel Choi of Center Church, Irvine. Pastor Matt continues to serve as a Launch Team Elder for Center Church, providing oversight and encouragement to Pastor Samuel as he plants Center Church. Pastor Samuel will be at The Village Sunday, March 17...
Keep ReadingJoin us this Sunday as we continue our series, "Christianity 101" in the book of 1st Peter. We will be looking at 1 Peter 2:13-17, and what it means for Christians to be good citizens of God's kingdom, as well as good citizens of the world we live in....
Keep ReadingGod has been very generous to The Village Church. But how?...
Keep ReadingThe 60: This past Sunday we considered Unveiling Unexpected, and the reality that Jesus unveils Himself to us every time we open His Word....
Keep ReadingThe eight things I’m most thankful for have to do with the ONE thing I’m most thankful for…….my Salvation in Christ! Each thanksgiving I now take the time to consider eight concepts from what theologians call the “order salutis,†or Order of Salvation (Rom.8:29-30). The Order Salutis covers the way in which we are saved by and to Jes...
Keep ReadingWe might expect someone to have authority over some things, but Jesus claims to have authority over all things – Authority Unexpected. ...
Keep ReadingHow does you become a Christian? How do you know it? Jesus tells His disciples, and us, a Parable to answer these questions....
Keep ReadingWhat Jesus is going to tell us this morning is that there is a Biological Family that comes through Birth, and a Spiritual Family that comes through Re-birth…….there is a Natural Family you’re in by Blood, and a Spiritual Family you can be in by His Blood...
Keep ReadingAccusing Jesus too much of forgivable things may lead you to a place where you accuse Jesus of an unforgivable thing. ...
Keep ReadingPeople are coming to Jesus from all over. That is the way God intended it to be – that all kinds of people in all kinds of places would be drawn to Him....
Keep ReadingBig Idea: What Are You Handing Down? ...
Keep ReadingJesus was out by the lake, again, out in the open, teaching in public wherever he went…….making disciples. Jesus is about making Disciples…….unashamedly. Make no mistake about it, Jesus is about making disciples, and we are about making disciples…….just like everyone else is....
Keep ReadingMark uses the contagious connotation of the leprosy to remind us that Jesus Himself was contagious. He was the kind of person that people just couldn’t stay away from....
Keep ReadingMark uses the contagious connotation of the leprosy to remind us that Jesus Himself was contagious. He was the kind of person that people just couldn’t stay away from....
Keep ReadingCONFLICT is at the center of what it means to be a Christian ...
Keep ReadingJesus called unexpected men, at an unexpected moment, for an unexpected mission, by unexpected means....
Keep ReadingJesus is an unexpected Good Messiah, who has an Unexpectantly Good Mission, and brings an Unexpectantly Good Message....
Keep ReadingThere was a day when there was only good news. (Good, VERY Good) ...
Keep ReadingWhy? Why Not Mark? Why haven’t more pastors preached on the book of Mark? Why haven’t more Christians studied it, even on their own? ...
Keep ReadingHappiest Christians are those who know the peace of God in every circumstance ...
Keep ReadingThe happiest Christians on earth are the ones that employ the most effort in knowing Jesus, not in legalism or liberalism, but in love, out of love and for the love of Jesus....
Keep ReadingThe happiest Christians on earth are the ones that have truly lost their trust in anything or anyone other than Jesus, so that they can truly trust in and know Jesus....
Keep ReadingThe happiest Christians on earth are the ones that are convinced there is nothing they can do to earn God’s Approval or Affection, but that Jesus has already earned it for them. The happiest Christians on earth are not the ones who are wise enough to lose everything so they can gain everything in Christ....
Keep ReadingThe happiest Christians on earth are those who understand and pursue the concept of wholeness in their life, which can only be accomplished through integrity. . before God, in the midst of the World, and among the Church....
Keep ReadingThe happiest Christians on earth are the Christians who understand the unity they have with Jesus, and walk in unity with one another through Jesus....
Keep ReadingThe happiest Christians on earth are the Christians who are FREE from Conflict with each other, so they can FREELY engage in the Conflict for the Gospel with each other....
Keep ReadingChristians ought to be the happiest people on earth, because they are the only ones that ultimately have hope in the truest sense of hope....
Keep ReadingIt's Not To Late to memorize the book of Philippians with the rest of your friends at The Village. If you've missed out on week 1 and 2, dive it now and come along for the ride....
Keep ReadingDuring our Village Church Vision Sunday I offered the following 'vivid description' of what it looks like to be a church committed to DECLARING the truth about Jesus:...
Keep ReadingThe month of December, we'll be celebrating the coming of Jesus with our annual Advent sermons series....
Keep ReadingSunday we'll be looking at the contrast between true & false teachers, believes, and the true or false gospel they follow....
Keep ReadingDave Kraft - coming to the Village Church - Nov. 5th to 7th. Dave is a pastor, ministry coach, and author....
Keep ReadingAll kinds of people are proclaiming to be 'spiritual' today. Most of the time this spirituality involves a vague form of personal spirituality. This Sunday we'll see that the Bible says being spiritual doesn't just happen in a personal context, but a public context as well. Check out this video preview for some hints as to where we'll be going together Sunday....
Keep ReadingThis Sunday we'll be in Galatians 5, this time concentrating on keeping in step with the Spirit....
Keep ReadingHere's a link to some cool pics from our Men's Advance 2010....
Keep ReadingNovember 5-7 The Village will be hosting Dave Kraft for a weekend of leadership training and development. Dave is the Pastor or Leadership Development and Coaching at Mars Hill Church in Seattle, author of "Leaders Who Last," and Ministry Coach with Ministry Coaching International. Check out this video preview for a look at what Dave will be bringing to The Village next ...
Keep ReadingThis Sunday at the Village we'll be tearing down the idea that Christianity is just a religion that binds people with rules, regulations and rituals. Invite someone out that thinks this way and see what God does....
Keep ReadingWhat's your posture as you approach your time together with God's people and His preacher on Sunday morning? Take a look at an old perspective on a not so new issue....
Keep ReadingThe second mark of the Church is that it believes in, loves and follows Jesus....
Keep ReadingThe first and primary mark of the Church is that it's regenerated by and filled with the Holy Spirit....
Keep ReadingEight myths, marks, & metaphors God has given us to describe His Church to us....
Keep ReadingThere are many that hear but don't hear, see but don't see and know but don't know Jesus....
Keep ReadingOur sin runs deep and wide, but God's grace runs deeper and wider still....
Keep Reading